Sunday, November 30, 2008

Kennedy's Haircut

Here is a quick view of Kennedy's new haircut. She has been asking me for a while to cut her hair short. Marc and I have been really hesitant to fulfill her request because she is constantly changing her mind. The last thing I wanted was for her to cry over wanting her hair long. To my surprise she is very proud of her haircut. I am really glad because besides a little trim, I have never really cut her hair.

She is so much fun. She is hopelessly devoted to her brother. Recently Marc took her camping and when she called me on the way home the first thing she checked on was her brother. She wanted to make sure he would be up from his nap so she could play with him when she got home. She loves to help him and I often find her "helping" him across the room!

She said the cutest thing the other day. We were eating dinner and she told me when she grows up she
wants to be a grandma!

She is doing really good in school. She is obsessed with letters and wants to know what everything says. I often catch her pretending to read and write all sorts of things. I am really glad she has such a great school. Being a teacher you would think I could teach her to read, but I never had one reading class in six years of college!

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Moira-Lin said...

love the new haircut! It is so cute on her.

Grandma Carla said...

If you cut my hair, will I look as cute as Kennedy? Oh, well. I tried!
She is adorable.