Friday, January 23, 2009

Kennedy turns 5!

I cannot believe it, Kennedy is 5! To top it off she has a loose tooth. We were finishing breakfast, trying to get out the door when she says," Mommy I think my tooth that is hurting is going to come out." Me- "What, what tooth." Kennedy "This one" (visualize her wiggling her tongue). Me- (feeling her tooth - mooove!) "When did that happen?" What a birthday present, a loose tooth!
Kennedy was rather disappointed that she had to go to school on her birthday. She is so funny she would not let the kids at school sing happy birthday to her. (She is totally Marc's kid, the next part is further proof.) For a birthday treat, she had me buy Twinkies for all the kids at school. She called then "Tweats."
After school we baked cupcakes and she chose to eat at Chick-Fil-A for dinner. Janeal and her kids, plus Carla and Gregg joined us. We had a good time, we all love Chick-Fil-A especially on free kids meal night. My mom gave her a water-painting book. The Inman's bought Kennedy a princess projector set and night time stories dvd. Janeal bought her a pair pajamas that match Rory's. Marc got her a remote control submarine for the bath AND I took her to the store to choose a present. She chose a princess castle alarm clock, that wakes her up to Cinderella singing and projects stars on the ceiling. Overall, I think she had a very happy birthday.
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1 comment:

mph said...

What a cutie! Love the tiara and sash! Princess Kennedy!