Monday, July 20, 2009

Still Busy in June

May ran into June this year. With everything we had endured, I was totally on the mental fritz. My mom stayed with us, helping to watch kids while I taught lessons and took kids to swim practice. With all the chaos I really need to thank my mom, sister (Janeal), and friend JJ for making it possible for me to pull off working and taking care of my kids.
Marc knew I was totally fried and did the best thing in the world... he took me away for my 30th birthday. Again, my mom watched the kids while we spent a day on the beach and another at Disneyland (alone!). He knows me well. Plus, I got to hang out with some Dysart girlfriends, using my birthday as an excuse.
A few sad notes about June.... our friend's the Mueller's moved to California! In addition, my buddy and hairstylist Sarah moved to Virginia. I am still totally bummed! We had an awesome trade system worked out. I am still trying to figure what to do with my hair!
June also gave us a chance to celebrate Father's Day, which Marc totally deserved. We hosted a Student Government Dive-in Movie. Also, we went up to Stoneman Lake to camp with Marni and John. Everything was great, except the bugs who thought Marc's legs were very tastey. The kids totally enjoyed romping in the forest and playing with their cousins.

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1 comment:

Nanu said...

It was truly my priviledge to be able to have helped you with the kids. I have to help when I can because I am just NOT close enough...

Love your Mom